Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
Bicycle Transportation Alliance
BikePAC of Oregon, Inc.
Bikes Belong Coalition, Ltd.
Blue Ribbon Coalition
Carfree Cities
Center for Appropriate Transport
Central Oregon Trail Alliance
Community Cycling Center
Coos Regional Trails Partnership
Critical Mass
Critical Mass - Portland
International Human Powered Vehicle Assn.
International Mountain Bicycling Association
Intnl. Police Mountain Bike Association
Law Enforcement Bicycle Association
League of American Bicylists
Millenium Trails
Mountainbike Militiamen Movement
National Center for Bicycling & Walking
National Off-Highway Vehicle Council
National Off-Road Bicycling Association
Oregon Equestrian Trails, Inc.
OET - Mid-Valley Chapter
Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Randonneurs USA
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Snell Memorial Foundation
Surface Transportation Policy Project
Swanson, Thomas & Coon: Bicycle Law
Thunderhead Alliance
Tread Lightly!
Ultra-Marathon Cycling Association
USA Cycling
Willamette Restoration Initiative
Willamette River Corridor Project
Women's Mountain Bike & Tea Society

New research suggests that mountain bikes and boots leave equal wear and tear on trails. by Michael Lanza, Appalachian Mountain Club Outdoors Magazine, April 2001
Hey (Hey!) You (You!), Get Off of My Trail! by Jill Dantz, Outside Magazine, August 1999
Mountain Bikes: Biophysical Impacts, Social Interactions and Sustainable Trail Management by Alan Wayne Bjorkman, Professor of Biology and Environmental Science at North Park University, Chicago, Illinois
Off-Road Impacts of Mountain Bikes
by Gordon R. Cessford, Department of Conservation, New Zealand, August 1995
Sierra Club Conservation Policies:
Off Road Use of Bicycles
1. Ride on open trails only.
2. Leave no trace.
3. Control your bicycle.
4. Always yield the trail.
5. Never scare animals.
6. Plan ahead.

Bike Magazine published this guide to IMBA's 2001 Epic Rides in the July 2001 issue, including Oregon's classic, 79-mile
North Umpqua Trail.
Adventure Cycling Association
Aerodynamics of Bicycles
Benton County Historical Museum
The Bicycle Gear: How It Works
The Bicycle Museum of America
The Bicycle Paper
Bicycle Retailer & Industry News
Bicycles: History - Beauty - Fantasy
Bicycling Magazine
Bik Museum
Bike Europe
Bike Magazine
The Bicycle Source
The Bicycle Trader
Bicycling Life
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Articles
City Sports Northwest
Classic & Antique Bicycle Exchange
Columbia Bicycle History
Cyber Cyclery
Cycling News
Dictionary of Mountain Bike Slang
Dirt Rag Magazine
Pryor Dodge Collection
The Exploratorium - Cycling
Franklin Institute - Cycle of Heroes
FI - Getting a Handle on Technology
The History of the Bicycle
International Bicycle Fund
Japanese Bicycle History Research Club
Lockwood Mathews Mansion Museum
Mike's Mega Bicycle Links
Mountain Bike Magazine
Mountain Bike Action Magazine
Mountain Biking Magazine
National Bicycle History Archive of America
19th Century Bicycle News
Oakland Museum of California
Oregon Cycling Magazine
OregonLive.com - Cycling
Pedaling History Bicycle Museum
The Ride
Rideable Bicycle Replicas
Sports, Etc.
UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History
Velo News Magazine
Velorama Nationaal Fietsmuseum
The Velocipede
Victorian Station - Bicycling
The Wheelmen
Benton County
City of Corvallis
Corvallis Parks And Recreation
Corvallis Convention & Visitors Bureau
Eugene, City of Bicycles!
Lincoln County
City of Portland Bicycle Resources
Oregon Bicycle Statutes (ORS 814.400)
ODOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
Oregon Parks & Recreation Department
Oregon State Parks
State Laws Concerning Bicycles
U.S. Forest Service Region 6
Deschutes National Forest
Fremont National Forest
Malheur National Forest
Mount Hood National Forest
Ochoco National Forest
Rogue River National Forest
Siskiyou National Forest
Siuslaw National Forest
Umatilla National Forest
Umpqua National Forest
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest
Willamette National Forest
Winema National Forest
USFS Outdoor Safety
USFS Roadless Areas
Bureau of Land Management
BLM Off-Highway Vehicle Strategy
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Oregon Forest Industries Council
Oregon Forest Resources Institute
Oregon State University College of Forestry
OSU McDonald - Dunn Research Forest
Plum Creek Timber Company
Starker Forests
The Timber Company
Weyerhaeuser Company
Willamette Industries, Inc.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation's Timber Company completed its merger with the
Seattle-based Plum Creek Timber Company on Oct. 8, 2001. Plum Creek is now the largest private timberland owner in the United States with more than 7.8 million acres of timberlands located in 19 states. This merger affects the "South Tract" and other lands along the proposed c2sea trail
between Harlan and Toledo. The company owns 287,000 acres of forest lands in Oregon.
Blackberry bRamble
Bicycle Festival
Bikesummer 2002
Cascade Cream Puff
Cascade Offroaders
Corvallis Mountain Bike Club
Covered Bridge Tour
Cycle Oregon
FTF Cyclocross Crusade
da Vinci Days Festival
Disciples of Dirt
Greater Eugene Area Riders
Gorge Games
Merry Cranksters Mountain Bike Club

Mid-Valley Bicycle Club
Newport High School Mountain Bike Club
NW Velo Cycling Team
Oregon Bicycle Racing Association

Oregon Coast Mountain Biking Camps
Oregon State University Cycling Club
Portland United Mountain Pedalers
Portland Wheelmen Touring Club
Providence Bridge Pedal
Providence Bridge Pedal Game
Race Across America
Race Across Oregon
Reach the Beach
Red Lizard
Ride Out AS
Salem Bicycle Club
Santiam Slow Spokes Bicycle Club
Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic
Siskiyou Velo
Southern Oregon Mountain Bike Association
Strawberry Hill 4 Wheelers
Summit to Surf
Summit Sports
Surf & Turf Challenge
Team Northwest Tandemonium
Team Oregon
Tour de Blast
Tour of Willamette
University of Oregon Cycling Team
University of Oregon Ducks Cycling
Women's Association of Mountainbikers

Albert Einstein discovered protosingletrack in Santa Barbara, California on Feb. 6, 1933. Photograph courtesy of The Archives, California Institute of Technology. Use this link to discover the Science of Cycling at San Francisco's Exploratorium in the Palace of Fine Arts. David Harris explains why things aren't As simple as falling off a bicycle . . .
Bike Friday
The Bike Gallery
Bike N' Hike
The Bike Shop
Burley Design Cooperative
Coghead Corner
Coghead Corner - Portland
Cog Wild Bicycle Tours
Co-Motion Cycles
Copeland Sports
Corvallis Cyclery
Discover Bicycles
Fat Tire Farm
Gateway Bicycles
Get A Grip Bicycles
Gresham Bicycle Center
Hutch's Bicycles
Kissler's Cyclery
Land Shark
McGillicuddy's Outpost
Mt. Hood Ski Bowl
Mountain Cycle
Oregon Adventures
Pacific Crest Mountain Bike Tours
Paul's Bicycle Way of Life
Peak Sports
River City Bicycles
Rogue Valley Cycle Sport
Scenic Cycling Adventures
Scott's Cycle & Fitness
Sellwood Cycle Repair
Sims Cycle & Fitness
Siskiyou Cyclery
Timberline Adventures
United Bicycle Institute
Universal Cycles
The Yankee Peddler

"Poison oak and poison ivy can grow as shrubs, vines, or trees.
In the winter, the leafless branches of poison oak or poison ivy still hold the harmful oils." -- OSU Extension Service
American Academy of Dermatology
Benadryl Spray FAQ
EnviroDerm Ivy Block FAQ
Dermik Psorcon FAQ
Extreme Mountain Biking
First Aid for Poison Ivy
GORP: Poison Oak
Life-Assist, Inc.
Nature's Revenge
OSU Extension: Poison Oak
OSU: Poison Oak and Poison Ivy
OutdoorPlaces.com: Poison Oak
Poison Oak FAQ
Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac
Poison Oak by
Armstrong and Epstein
 Fresh Coast Range cougar track © 1998 Kim A. Cabrera from Mountain Lion (Cougar)
OSU McForest Cougar Encounter Tips
Safe Travel in Mountain Lion Country
Mountain Lion (Cougar)
Mountain Lion "WARNING!"
Desert USA - Mountain Lion
Felis concolor
Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization>
BFRO Oregon Sightings
Western Rattlesnakes are found east of the Willamette River in the southern Willamette Valley, in southwest Oregon and
in the high deserts east of the Cascades.
Reptiles & Amphibians of Oregon
Desert USA - Rattlesnakes
Treating and Preventing Venomous Bites
Snakebite Treatment Protocols
First Aid for Rattlesnake Bites
CDC - Cryptosporidiosis
CDC - Giardiasis

Trails.com offers thumbnail descriptions and maps for more than 20,000 trails, including 504 Oregon hikes and 212 mountain bike rides selected from these and other guidebooks.

These guides are available at the Corvallis Public Library and at many book and sports specialty stores. Select any cover and link to the publisher's web site for more details and ordering information.
The Great Outdoor Recreation Pages provide more Oregon outdoor information.
Riders rate Oregon mountain bike trails at

USGS Geologic Map of Oregon (1969)
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries

The Great Forest Fire of 1845

The Great Ice Age Floods
Learn more about one of the most amazing aspects of Oregon's natural history from Oregon Public Broadcasting
and the U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory.

Nature of the Northwest, a new information center operated by Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industries and the U.S. Forest Service, offers online Northwest Forest Pass sales and comprehensive information and links to northwest parks, forests, recreation and more.

Copyright © 2001 Dennis Cowals
All rights reserved.

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